Corporate American media needs to chill out. . . or report on something that actually matters.
But then again, I shouldn't be surprised. This is just me talking like a song that goes on loop...over and over again...about the same issue.. CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and many others just can't help themselves! I mean really who cares about Levi Johnston's family feud with the Palins?!
Oh, and I just checked out the latest of the Drudge Report. I won't even link to his site. He doesn't deserve a link from me. He'll just get more clicks (well maybe not since no one really reads this blog).
I like the new Drudge headline: PIRATE THREAT TO KILL AMERICAN
But I am also getting sick of Huffington Post. I find myself desperately trying to find another news source to run to. Ariana, there's really more important news to put on the top front page then this:
Mischa Barton naked, Levi Johnston blah blah blah, Obama orders pizza from so and so...
I know Ariana's started an Investigative Journalism section which was ventured off of Pro-Publica's idea. I hope this will make some significant leaps in societal progress. We'll see. As for now...
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